The Legion of Super-Heroes

In 1973 it was published the last SUPERBOY solo in the logo issue (SUPERBOY NO.196) begining the logo SUPERBOY STARRING THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES.

SUPERBOY NO.197(September 1973) Cover by Nick Cardy.
"Timber Wolf Dead Hero, Live Execution" Part I by Cary Bates / Dave Cockrum.
"The Sinister Secret of Timber Wolf" Part II by Cary Bates / Dave Cockrum.
"The Slay-Away Plan" by Cary Bates / Bob Brown & Murphy Anderson (SUPERBOY story).

SUPERBOY NO.198 (October 1973) Cover by Nick Kardy.
"The Fatal Five Who Twisted Time" by Cary Bates / Dave Cockrum.
"Prisoners of the Time Lock" by Cary Bates / Dave Cockrum.
"Countdown toi Catastrophe" (by Cary Bates / Dave Cockrum.
No Superboy solo story.

SUPERBOY NO.199 (October 1973) Cover by Nick Kardy.
"The Gun thet Mastered Men" by Cary Bates / Dave Cockrum.
"The Impossible Target" by Cary Bates / Dave Cockrum.

SUPERBOY DC 100 PAGE SUPER SPECTACULAR DC-21 (October 1973) Cover by Nick Kardy.
Reprinting Superboy stories, included ADVENTURE COMICS NO.332 (May, 1965)


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To The Great Superman Thematic Museum

DISCLAIMER: SUPERMAN and all related elements are the property of DC COMICS.

Other web sites made by me (In Spanish with thousands of images large size)

Legion of Super-Heroes    Superman Clasified By Years    Superman    The Spanish Superman Homepage    Superman expandido    Superman Returns    Supergirl de Peter David    The Man of Steel    Superman en España    Smallville    Prince Valiant in the Days of King Arthur    El Príncipe Valiente por Harold R. Foster    Tarzan    Flash Gordon    Flash Gordon y Jungle Jim Sundays 1934-1944    El Hombre Enmascarado (The Phantom)    Pantera Negra y Pequeño Pantera Negra    El Guerrero del Antifaz    Los Diez Mandamientos    La ciudad de Jaca en imágenes    La ciudad de Amposta en imágenes    Evita 1919 - 1952    Kim Wilde    Kylie Minogue    Hurts    Mariano

All my sites are dedicated to my beloved wife, Dolors Cabrera Guillén, who passed away on March 12th 2007 at the age of 54, because of a cancer. The Homage site below (Sorry, in Spanish) has 614 pictures of her.

Homage to my wife Dolors Cabrera Guillén 

(C) Copyright Mariano Bayona Estradera - Dolors Cabrera Guillén (1997-2007)
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