Superboy's Friends of the Future...


Making click on the image you'll go to the following pages with the images of the Legionnaires as they appeared in February 1968 on ADVENTURE COMICS NO.365 and here you have the explanations of every Legionnaire:

(19) SUPERGIRL (Linda Lee Danvers, born Kara Zor-El) was born in ARGO CITY, on a chunk of Krypton hurled off when that world exploded. The city survived under a plastic dome, but the inhabitants, except for SUPERGIRL, who was rocketed to Earth, and her parents, who escaped to the Survival Zone, were later wiped out by Kryptonite poisoning.

(20) PROTY II the protoplasmatic pet of CHAMALEON BOY, cames from a planet of ANTARES, where all life was endangered by climatic changes. A super-scientific race changed the creatures that lived there to proteans, able to alter thir shapes to adapt to any conditions. PROTY II belongs to the LEGION OF SUPER-PETS.

(21) ELEMENT LAD (Jan Arrah) was the only inhabitant of the planet TROM who was not wiped out in a battle with space-criminals. In TROM'S radiocative invironment, the people evolved the power to change the atomic structure of elements by mental radiations. For instance, Jan can change iron into gold.

(22) JIMMY OLSEN because of his services to SUPERMAN, was made an honorary member, althoug he is over the age limit. He gets his super-stretching ELASTIC LAD power from a serum given him by PROF. POTER.

(23) Other SUPER-PETS: KRYPTO, SUPERBOY'S pet, and BEPPO, the SUPER-MONKEY both came from KRYPTON -KRYPTO in an experimental space capsule, and BEPPO as a stowaway in SUPERBABY'S rocket. STREAKY, SUPERGIRL'S Earth-born cat, got his powers from a piece of X-KRYPTONITE, created in a scientific experiment. COMET, the SUPER-HORSE, SUPERGIRL'S other pet, was BIRON, a centaur, in ancient Greece. CIRCE the sorceress tried to change him into a man, but an evil sorcerer switched her magic potions, and BIRON became a horse. CIRCE then gave him the super-powers of the gods. COMET becomes human when he is in sight of a real comet.

Most of the Museum pages are bilingual.

Visit The Great Superman Thematic Museum

To The Great Superman Thematic Museum

DISCLAIMER: SUPERMAN and all related elements are the property of DC COMICS.

Most of the Museum pages are bilingual.

Visit The Great Superman Thematic Museum

To The Great Superman Thematic Museum

DISCLAIMER: SUPERMAN and all related elements are the property of DC COMICS.

Other web sites made by me (In Spanish with thousands of images large size)

Legion of Super-Heroes    Superman Clasified By Years    Superman    The Spanish Superman Homepage    Superman expandido    Superman Returns    Supergirl de Peter David    The Man of Steel    Superman en España    Smallville    Prince Valiant in the Days of King Arthur    El Príncipe Valiente por Harold R. Foster    Tarzan    Flash Gordon    Flash Gordon y Jungle Jim Sundays 1934-1944    El Hombre Enmascarado (The Phantom)    Pantera Negra y Pequeño Pantera Negra    El Guerrero del Antifaz    Los Diez Mandamientos    La ciudad de Jaca en imágenes    La ciudad de Amposta en imágenes    Evita 1919 - 1952    Kim Wilde    Kylie Minogue    Hurts    Mariano

All my sites are dedicated to my beloved wife, Dolors Cabrera Guillén, who passed away on March 12th 2007 at the age of 54, because of a cancer. The Homage site below (Sorry, in Spanish) has 614 pictures of her.

Homage to my wife Dolors Cabrera Guillén 

(C) Copyright Mariano Bayona Estradera - Dolors Cabrera Guillén (1997-2007)
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