In 1970, ACTION COMICS went on the publication of the Legion adventures in the second place until issue number 392 in September. The Legion disappears during four months until March 1971 in SUPERBOY 172.
ACTION COMICS NO.384 (January 1970) Cover by Curt Swan & Murphy Anderson.
"The Forbidden Costume" by Curt Swan & George Roussos.
"Lament for a Legionnaire" by Jim Shooter (script, layouts), Win Mortimer & Jack Abel.
ACTION COMICS NO.385 (February 1970) Cover by Curt Swan & Neal Adams.
"The Inmortal Superman" by Cary Bates / Curt Swan & George Roussos.
"The Fallen Star Boy" by by E.Nelson Bridwell / Win Mortimer & Jack Abel.
ACTION COMICS NO.386 (March 1970) Cover by Curt Swan & Neal Adams.
"The Home for Old super-Heroes" by Cary Bates / Curt Swan & George Roussos.
"Zap goes the Legion" by E.Nelson Bridwell / Win Mortimer & Jack Abel.
ACTION COMICS NO.387 (April 1970) Cover by Curt Swan & Murphy Anderson.
"Even a Superman Dies" by Cary Bates / Curt Swan & Jack Abel.
"One Hero Too Many" by E.Nelson Bridwell / Win Mortimer & Jack Abel.
ACTION COMICS NO.388 (May 1970) Cover by Curt Swan & Murphy Anderson.
"Puzzle of the Wild World" by Cary Bates / Curt Swan & George Roussos.
"Sun Boy's Lost Powers" REPRINT ADVENTURE COMICS NO.302.
ACTION COMICS NO.389 (June 1970) Cover by Curt Swan & Murphy Anderson.
"The Kid Who Struck Out Superman" by Cary Bates / Curt Swan & George Roussos.
"The Mystery Legionnaire" by Cary Bates / Win Mortimer & Jack Abel.
ACTION COMICS NO.390 (July 1970) Cover by Curt Swan & Murphy Anderson.
"The Self-Destructed Superman" by Cary Bates / Curt Swan & George Roussos.
"The Tyran and the Traitor" by E.Nelson Bridwell / Win Mortimer & Jack Abel.
ACTION COMICS NO.391 (August 1970) Cover by Curt Swan & Murphy Anderson.
"The Punishment of Superman's Son" by Bob Kaniger / Ross Andru & George Roussos.
"The Ordeal of Element Lad" by Win Mortimer & Jack Abel.
ACTION COMICS NO.392 (September 1970) Cover by Curt Swan & Murphy Anderson.
"The Same of the Super-Son" by Bob Kaniger / Ross Andru & Mike Exposito.
"The Legionnaires Who Never Where" by Cary Bates / Win Mortimer & Jack Abel.